DigiLEON: Digitale Competenties in het LEONhuis
At the LEONhuis (= LEren and ONtwikkelen) in Hasselt and at other strategic locations in the province of Limburg and Flanders, digiLEON continues to build on its DBSF projects of the previous three years in order to achieve even more digital inclusion. Through the didactic model of the concentric circles, vulnerable children, adolescents and adults are given the opportunity to acquire basic competences in algorithmic thinking, coding and basic tools on the one hand, but on the other hand also continue to qualify as an advanced ICT professional and even progress to become a top-class expert under the expert guidance of UCLL ICT staff. We work mainly in the province of Limburg, demand-driven for initiatives in Flanders and Brussels, and deepen our operations so that talented participants also have realistic opportunities to use their (new) hobby to develop their profession. The digiLEON project is realised for and by the target group, because a recognized political refugee and a former foreign-language newcomer actively participate in the realisation of this project. In this new project we also focus on motivating children/young people for VOICE training and on digital reinforcement of adults with an entrepreneurial profile.
- KT-scholengroep (BE)