Let’s roll together - Actief samen bouwen aan profiel- en taakverheldering (voor ondersteunigsteams) met oog op het realiseren van kwaliteitsvolle ondersteuning van leraar, leerling en school
Have you ever made a Rubik's Cube before? Was that super skillful and creative problem solving or rather endless spinning with a colorful mosaic dice without any result? The way the planes of the Rubik's Cube are rotated perfectly visualizes the complex dynamics and diversity in the story of the support person, looking for a shared, appropriate and meaningful support practice.
Support teams, launched in September 2017 within the framework of the M-decree with the task of guiding teachers (teams) in regular education in supporting pupils with specific educational needs, are today operating in a turbulent educational landscape. A landscape where roles and tasks change, are unclear and uncertain. Where ambitious government objectives and commitments change societal expectations and where one's own criteria for quality do not always correspond to the views of many other partners in the story. This can result in new opportunities or just lead to disruption... In this project, we want to proactively provide a framework and a working instrument that will help the support person to see and realise new opportunities. Specifically, we are setting up a professional development program, flanked by an online tool and a practical book. This trajectory (with tools) will guide support teams in 'turning' the different dimensions (culture, policy & practice) and perspectives in a support context in such a way that, in co-creation with all partners, an appropriate interpretation can be given to the roles and tasks of the support person of tomorrow.
Let's roll together!
- Arteveldehogeschool (BE)
- Centrum voor leerlingenbegeleiding (BE)
- Ondersteuningsteams TOPCO (BE)
- Pedagogische Begeleidingsdienst van het Katholiek Onderwijs, vzw (BE)
- leerlingen en ouders (BE)
- scholen voor lager en secundair onderwijs (BE)