Boosting Female Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise Creation for social inclusion groups

PAL Women is an Erasmus+ project supported by 7 different European partners.
The project aims to close the gap between women from minority groups and self-employment by developing online training. Through accessible and clear modules, women can be motivated and supported in their career as self-employed. The general objective of the project is to promote and support the social integration of these women.
Each partner shares her skills, experience and knowledge. The expertise cell [ed+ict], Education & ICT of UCLL, specialises in creating tailor-made online solutions. It will therefore be responsible for the development of PAL Women's online platform. In addition, each partner focuses on a specific target group and gets to work with it. 

ERA PAL Women 19
Start date
End date
Centre of Expertise
  • Apostolina TSALTAMPASI and Co EE (GR)
  • House of National Minorities (CZ)
  • RomPraha (CZ)