Based on the developments of previous projects focused  on Entrepreneurship Education, the main aim of D-EMIND is to design, develop and test a digital challenge-based learning methodology, strategies, and tools for promoting entrepreneurial mindset in Higher Education.  This focus on developing entrepreneurial mindsets is aligned with the Commission communication on the EU Agenda on Higher Education (2017), a Danish survey (Boyd et al, 2015) and two reports by the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) on the Netherlands (2013-14) and Great Britain (2016). The specific goals are: (1) developing and promoting the use of a trans-European platform for CBL, innovation and peer to peer learning amongst students and teachers; (2) facilitating real world challenges where students as part of their formal education co-operate  with external organisations to help them solve these challenges; (3) merging challenged-based learning and entrepreneurship teaching and hence taking both to the next level, (4) preparing students for a work life that physically and/or digitally transgress  borders, thereby increasing  their capacity to work at EU/international level, and (5) reinforcing the link among higher education institutions and external institutions and organisations (companies, public administration , NGO, etc.) in order to co-create projects to foster entrepreneurship.
These goals are contributing to two horizontal priorities of the Erasmus+ programme (i.e., “addressing digital transformation of Higher Education” and “Inclusion and diversity in all fields of education” ) and two sectorial priorities for Higher Education (i.e., “rewarding excellence in learning, teaching and skills development” and  “Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices”).

ERA D-Emind 22
Start date
End date
Centre of Expertise
  • Universitat Autonoma De Barcelona (ES)
  • University college of Northern Denmark (DK)