The EMR strives to become a global player in the field of technology and innovation. In order to achieve this goal, the basis for such a top technical region must be excellent. This basis is largely determined by the quantitative and qualitative preparation of new students
who wish to undertake further technical training/education. Unfortunately, not enough young people opt for an exact education. In addition, young people in current education have too little contact with practice and science subjects are insufficiently in tune with their world of experience. Because there is already a large shortage of technically trained personnel and the innovative power of the Euroregion is coming under pressure, an extra stimulus for technology is necessary. In this way, it can be ensured that a sufficient number of qualitatively trained personnel is available.
The most important aim of the project is to stimulate pupils in primary and first stage secondary education for STEM (science, technology, engineering and
mathematics) and thus to interest them in choosing a further STEM education or a technical profession. This target group is deliberately chosen as they are on the eve of their choice of study profile. The project introduces students to the various facets of technology in a
challenging, practical and inspiring way.
Two of our researchers, Ann Emonds and Yves Vanbilsen, are participating in the development and implementation of the EU Tech Award, a 2-year awareness project. A cross-regional (Belgian Limburg, Dutch Limburg, Region Aachen, Region Eupen, Wallonia) competition is being developed based on an international consensus on good STEM education. The implementation of the EUTech Award is supported for Belgian Limburg by Technology students from teacher training BaSO UCLL Limburg and the TWA UCLL in Houthalen.
Eutech is a project funded by the Interreg programme of the Meuse-Rhine Euregio. This programme is financed by the the European Regional Development Fund. This project also receives financial support from the regional authorities. More information can be found via https://www.interregemr.eu/projecten/eutech.
- Fontyns Hogeschool (NL)
- PXL (BE)
- Stichting Stimuleren (NL)
- Technifutur Asbl (BE)
- UC Leuven Art of Teaching (BE)