MOM@WORK: onderzoek naar barrières, drijfveren en noden bij lacterende werkneemsters en werkgevers
The aim of this practically-based research is to examine breastfeeding facilities and practices at work and to gain insights in the needs of employees and employers for a successful combination of breastfeeding and work.
In order to attain this aim, the following objectives have been formulated:
1) Register and analyze breastfeeding facilities and activities at workplaces by means of an online websurvey;
2) Understand barriers, incentives and needs of Flemish employees and employers in the context of breasting and work by means of a systematic review of the literature and focus group interviews;
3) Develop supporting measures / tool to facilitate and stimulate breastfeeding at work by means of an additional expert advisory group.
The targeted outcome of this research is the strengthening of the labor market for the support of lactating employees, with positive effects for the health of mother and child, the welfare of employees and finally the productivity. The end-product will include practically- and evidence-based measures to support employees and employers towards the facilitation and stimulation of breastfeeding at work.
This research is part of the larger research line MOM@WORK that globally targets a resilient return to work after maternity leave.