Stepping-up Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Intercultural Competences for High Quality Teaching in Ukraine
UA-Talent-UP is an innovative project that aims at improving the competences of teachers and trainers in Ukrainian higher education
institutions to enhance global entrepreneurial capacities and creativity to future students by (1) developing a teacher training program
using game-based and collaborative learning methodologies and (2) creating open micro-certified short learning programs in order to
better match labour market needs and to improve the level of competences, skills, employability potential and global entrepreneurial
spiUA-Talent-UP is an innovative project that aims at improving the competences of teachers and trainers in Ukrainian higher education
institutions to enhance global entrepreneurial capacities and creativity to future students by (1) developing a teacher training program
using game-based and collaborative learning methodologies and (2) creating open micro-certified short learning programs in order to
better match labour market needs and to improve the level of competences, skills, employability potential and global entrepreneurial spirit
of HEI students and the general public. Through the creation of Creativity Hubs at the participating Ukrainian institutions, HEI teachers will
be trained to impart entrepreneurial, creativity and intercultural skills in their lectures. In addition to that, face-to-face training will be
offered to students by the Creativity Hubs and to a general public by the participating Ukrainian NGO Innovation Generation. Throughout
the project, three MOOCs on entrepreneurship, interculturality and MOOC creation as well as an OPENACCESS MOOC platform will be
developed and made accessible to all Ukrainian universities at the end of the project. In addition, three policy reports are presented,
including a recommendation to update the current framework for entrepreneurial competences with regard to the dimensions of creativity
and interculturality, and a recommendation to establish a European framework for global competences.
- Universidad Pontificias de Salamanca (ES)
- University of Cyprus (CY)