STORY - added value of STORage in distribution sYstems
The main objective of STORY is showing the added value that energy storage can bring for a flexible, secure and sustainable energy system. STORY focuses on providing relevant and wide-covering demonstrations that serve as input for a thorough and transparent analysis on what the impact of energy storage can be. Storage is considered as a means, while not neglecting other competing technologies that could provide a similar or complementary functionality. The 17 members from 9 European countries in the STORY consortium will not only develop the most viable storage and ICT solutions for the demonstration sites, but they will also analyze the impact of large penetration of the technologies through simulations, analyze the effect of policies and regulations to the business opportunities of storage-related industry and communicate the findings to the wider community.
- Actility SAS (FR)
- B9 energy Storage ltd (GB)
- Basen Oy (FI)
- Beneens Jozef en Zonen BVBA (BE)
- Elektro Gorenjska podjetje za distribucijo elektricne energije dd (SI)
- Exposicion y conservacion de alimentos sa (ES)
- Fundacion Cener-Ciemat (ES)
- Hawker Gmbh (DE)
- Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbh (AT)
- Lopta Film Gmbh (DE)
- Prospex Institute vzw (BE)
- Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy (FI)
- Think E (BE)
- University of Ljubljana (SI)
- Viessmann Belgium (BE)
- Vlaamse instelling voor Technologisch onderzoek nv (BE)
- Vlerick Business School (BE)