Teach3: 3 Countries, 3 levels of Organisation, 3 Languages


  • Facilitate cross-border internships for students from participating universities.
  • Promote intercultural understanding and language proficiency through practical teaching experiences (students & pupils). - Strengthen partnerships between universities of applied sciences, between these universities and schools within the EMR, and, on the long term (as soon as the students start working as teachers), between schools
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of internships and disseminate best practices.


  • Internship Placements: place 204 interns in schools within the EMR.
  • Cross-border Collaboration: 15 guest lectures, 15 workshops, 5 videos about regional education systems, 3 conferences - Digital Matching Tool: Based on 4 fact sheets, develop 1 online platform to match interns & schools
  • Evaluation: 1 evaluation of internships, gather feedback for improvement.
  • Promotional Activities: for students and schools, e.g. on social media and websites, 1 Kick-Off and 1 Closing Event


The project aims to enhance cross-border education by placing 204 interns in schools, fostering collaboration through lectures, workshops, and conferences. It will develop a digital matching tool, evaluate internships for improvement, and conduct promotional activities.
On the long term, we expect a rise in cross-regional school partnerships, enhanced collaboration among universities, cross- border recognition of learning outcomes and an overall strengthening of Euregional and European awareness.

ERA Teach3 24
Start date
End date
Centre of Expertise
  • Euregio Maas-Rhein (DE)
  • Stichting Fontys (NL)