Vormingstraject Klinisch leiderschap
Health Innovation
‘Clinical leaders are directly involved in delivering care, being visible, knowledgeable and competent clinicians, who inspire and motivate others because they demonstrate ‘Congruent Leadership’, where their values and beliefs about quality care are evident in their actions’ (Stanley, 2006). ‘Nurses directly involved in providing clinical care who continuously improve care and influence others’ (Cook, 2001).
Datum en locatie (met begin- & einduur)
UCLL Campus Genk
Synaps Park 5400 bus A - 3600 Genk
PXL Campus Healthcare
Guffenslaan 39 - 3500 Hasselt
UCLL Campus Genk
Synaps Park 5400 bus A - 3600 Genk
PXL Campus Healthcare
Guffenslaan 39 - 3500 Hasselt