Value and Attitudes Education for Inclusive Europe

In addition to the various subjects, all teachers have a duty to teach their pupils, values and norms for a positive attitude towards life and society. Education for values and attitudes is crucial for society and the individual, which are at the heart of every national education system, including those in EU countries and candidates. The EU is based on European values: respect for human dignity and human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law. But do we all share the same European values, as we claim, and are we committed to respecting them? Some local approaches to the migration and refugee crisis prove that the answer is no. Is it possible for people belonging to different countries or cultures to interpret these values in different ways? Is there a way to counter fake news and extremist propaganda? Is there a way to ensure that in Europe we all respect and understand the same values in the same way? We believe that the answer lies in education and implies transnational cooperation on a European level. There are 5.7 million teachers in EU countries, and they could have a huge impact on the integration of values, but only if they could easily work together. For all these reasons, we propose to create a European community of teachers.

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Centre of Expertise
  • Asociatia Institutul Geogebra Botosani (RO)
  • Eurinnet (IT)
  • Justus Liebig Universitat Giessen (DE)
  • Muzeul Judetean Botosani (RO)
  • Paydas Egitim Kultur Ve Sanat Dernegi (TR)
  • Smashing Times Theatre Company Limited (IE)