
Our researchers Jana Duchateau and Dirk Staf are presenting hands-on materials and tools for teachers to engage with the DigComEdu qualifications framework. Join them at the Erasmus+ Days at Campus Corso(*)! All materials have been developed by a European consortium as part of the DPaideia Erasmus+ project. Proud to be part of this initiative!

(*)This year's global event runs 14 - 19 October 2024. A chance for past, present, and future Erasmus+ participants to meet, share and celebrate.

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about the project

The covid19 pandemic pushed teachers to use digital enviornments. Accelerating digital transformation in education.
Teachers and students had to adapt to working with digital tools but, also, to be aware of the social, emotional and affective aspects of a digital technology-based education. Many teachers did not have the skilss to properly use these tools in a pedagogical effective way. 
The D-Paideia project aims to enable teaching of high quality in a digital environment, inclusive for all learners. Especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Improving educator's skills to teach effectively in a digital enviornment.
 Key Highlights

1. Update the DigCompEdu qualifications framework in order to take into account these aspects that emerged from the pandemic experience
2. Develop a curriculum in order to train teachers and practitioners (of all levels) on these skills
3. Develop a methodology and provide support to educational institutions in order to develop pedagogical digital strategies, in the framework of a whole school approach


The D-PAIDEIA, an Erasmus+ project, will improve the skills and competencies of the teachers cross-sectorally to teach effectively in a digital environment. Using the DigiCompEdu qualifications framework, we will take into consideration all the skills needs that emerged form the pandemic period.

over expertisecentrum Education & Development

We hebben de vinger aan de pols bij wat leeft, beweegt en verandert in onderwijs. Wij zijn sterk in  praktijkgericht onderzoek rond nieuwe inzichten in leerprocessen, visie, beleid en onderwijsvernieuwing en delen graag onze expertise hierrond. Wij werken samen met leraars, leerlingen, beleidsteams van scholen en directies, maar ook met lokale besturen en (educatieve) organisaties.