Boosting positive narrative on Romani integration throught arts
The aim of PAL Art is to support Romani people to portrait their positive narrative and enhance their integration process in EU. This by empowering their creativity in different fields of arts as literature, filmmaking and craft.
Specific objectives:
• To examine and moderate different art methods and techniques to support social tolerance practices and adult education for Romani community in different artistic fields.
• To empower Romani community to uptake an active role in their POSITIVE image across EU.
• To incorporate Roma artistic expression in the framework of mainstream EU cultural agenda (REPRESENTATION in national, regional or local cultural activities). Task: Partners will design the workshop of their election and expertise regarding the creation of literature, filmmaking, craft and others).
IO3: Moodle “Romani Art Lab"
- Anazitites Theatrou Greece (GR)
- Dum narodnostnich mensin o.p.s (CZ)
- House of National Minorities (CZ)
- Kulturama Medborgarskolan Stockholm (SE)
- OECON Group (BG)