Sustainable Resources
Our world is in full transition to a more sustainable model. Circular handling of raw materials and the implementation of sustainable energy systems are central to this.
In addition, the impact of the choices we make, now and in the future, will have a direct effect on our health and living environment. In this transition, technology often plays the role of an "enabler".
Centre of expertise "Sustainable Resources" wants to be a partner for companies, governments and organisations in this transition. On the basis of applied and practice-oriented research, we examine the most sustainable solution for a specific problem. We do this based upon three lines of research.
1. Valorisation of waste and residual flows. Making new products or extracting valuable components from your waste or by-product streams from a circular economic approach is what we do within this topic. We have modern lab equipment and solid chemical expertise at our disposal. In addition to high-tech solutions, we are also committed to the realisation of low-tech circular solutions.
2. Sustainable energy systems. Solar panels, batteries, heat pumps, microgrids,... are an integral part of our daily life. How can we combine and control all these components in an intelligent way to realize a system (domestic or industrial) that is as efficient as possible? We have various test set-ups for cooling techniques and agents, microgrids, solar panels and batteries.
3. Environment and health. The impact of our environment on human health is becoming increasingly clear. Within this topic, we focus on monitoring air quality by means of low-cost sensors and analytical equipment linked to human health, e.g. asthma, pregnancy, etc. On the other hand, research is conducted into faster detection of antimicrobial resistance and identification of extracts of natural products with antimicrobial activity.
"Sustainable Resources" has an extensive network of technological, economic and design partners with whom it collaborates to realise multidisciplinary projects.