More ZeG in your learning?!

ZeG box

ZEG stands for SELF-DIRECTION AND GROWTH in your learning

Why is it important to work with self-direction?
How can you as a teacher get started with self-direction in your lessons?

Step into our story and get started with the ZeG-box as a teacher or school team. In addition, we provide training to support you in how to promote self-direction in classroom practice.

Are you interested? Then click on over to our publications!

More ZeG in your learning?!

ZeG box

ZEG stands for SELF-DIRECTION AND GROWTH in your learning

Why is it important to work with self-direction?
How can you as a teacher get started with self-direction in your lessons?

Step into our story and get started with the ZeG-box as a teacher or school team. In addition, we provide training to support you in how to promote self-direction in classroom practice.

Are you interested? Then click on over to our publications!

Orientation practice for secondary education

Oriëntering Secundair Onderwijs

A quality assurance tool for secondary education

We offer a quality assurance tool to scrutinize your school's orientation practice. Be inspired by tools, reflections and practices from other schools to strengthen your orientation practice.

The classroom during COVID-19

Room for Improvement

Maai Huyse and Caroline Moons launch a brochure, a model and a reflection tool to expand your knowledge about designing your learning space. The brochure 'Room for improvement: support in designing the indoor, outdoor and online learning space in relation to vision on education supports teachers and schools in strengthening the broad - indoor, outdoor and online - learning environment in relation to vision on education'. The purpose of the reflection tool is to initiate conversation. The tool supports both the individual teacher and the school team in reflecting on the broad learning space in relation to vision of education.

Renewal First Grade

Vernieuwing Eerste Graad

Find out how other schools are experimenting with first grade renewal and get inspired by their choices and experiences. We identified flexing, orienting, focus on learning and evaluation as crucial elements of renewal, essential supported by flexible school organization and teamwork.

How's your weather? On mental wellness in the classroom.

Hoe is jouw weertje?

The extent to which children can regulate their emotions is strongly linked to their mental well-being. Children who learn to manage intense emotions are able to develop stronger social connections and are more resilient in life. There is a refresher course and a book. In the post-form you will gain a deeper understanding of the role that attention, body awareness and emotion regulation play in experiencing greater well-being. We are introduced to mindfulness and relaxation exercises and musical methods that you can easily use in your classroom. The book “Hoe is jouw weertje” (Goossens, Goris and Vanmierlo) came about within a practice-based scientific research on well-being in young children that was conducted with 12 teachers. 

The power of play

De kracht van Spel

Young children play all day long. This is allowed, more so: it should be! Play is a powerful context in which children grow abundantly with the support of a skilled facilitator. Play coaching is exploring, connecting and enriching. Going out together and learning from each other.

In this book, the authors ask some pointed questions about the power of play in teaching and learning: How can you fully appreciate play in the classroom? What are quality teacher-child interactions that enrich and challenge children's play? How do you connect with the group through play? Do opportunities lie in spontaneous play? And when does intense engagement occur?

Toddler Power


Toddler Power! A book with no less than eighteen interaction and work forms that set you on your way to give the voice, choice and ownership of young children a place within the connectedness of the group. They focus on agency within your daily classroom work with preschoolers.

Each work form is written out as a step-by-step plan with an explicit role for the children to bring in ideas and content, while the structure is in the hands of the teacher. That way, as a (prospective) teacher, you keep the overview, while still leaving a lot of room for the children's interests and input.

Living and Learning Long

Lang Leren Leven

This website is part of the Flemish project of the National Coordinator for the European Agenda for Adult Learning. The project gives impetus to lifelong learning in Flanders and supports an innovation network to make a change in how we think about living, learning and working.

Developing Adaptive Expertise to foster an effectieve learning environment

The project aims to develop adaptive expertise (AE) to foster an effective learning environment.
Context/background of the project:
Classroom situations are increasingly complex. Migration, societal diversity, EU member states' policies on inclusion... make classrooms more diverse. To increase quality in education, schools and teachers must find ways to address the diversity challenges and foster effective learning environments to optimise teaching and learning. Based on the partners' practical experiences such as teaching, supporting schools, talking and listening to teachers and students, and other empirical knowledge, the partners have concluded that much more can be done to teach effectively and efficiently in a diverse environment. The partners observe that many educators struggle to adapt their practice to the needs of the learners. They almost always implement the same routines i.e. they struggle to use the broad spectrum of formative assessment and to use these results as an inspiration to differentiate. The partners note this routine expertise is still the daily practice in many schools.

Website Teachmi

The TEACHmi project aims to provide multicultural classroom teachers, school leaders and other stakeholders with effective tools, teaching materials and guidelines to facilitate the integration of students from migrant backgrounds in secondary schools and make the learning environment more inclusive.

The tools can be used to provide the best possible educational approach to all students. Moreover, with these materials we aim to promote integration and a better quality of education and better match the needs and requirements of students.

Leadership for Learning

Leadership for Learning

The consortium aims to support school teams in their policies to achieve higher levels of integrated leadership. The motivation for this project are insights from OECD (2016) where integrated leadership is defined as a balanced combination of distributed leadership and educational leadership.

Learning Bubbles

LEARNING BUBBLES is an experimentation of collaboration between very different worlds: school, community urban gardens and the digital world. A proposal that seeks to combine the beauty of the natural environment, technological innovation and tradition to promote the well-being of its local communities. 


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Stress regulation in primary education


calm in the classroom

Stress is out there. Also in primary education.

Discover ways you can work on the stress regulation of yourself as a teacher and the children in your classroom.