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Een nieuw kader voor digitale competenties in de jeugdhulp!

Kader Digitale Competenties

Met trots lanceren we het nieuwe kader voor digitale competenties! Dit kader, ontwikkeld door Onlinehulp Vlaanderen in samenwerking met SAM, Arteveldehogeschool en UCLL Inclusive Society, biedt een helder overzicht van de competenties die vandaag en morgen nodig zijn voor voor iedereen die betrokken is bij de jeugdhulp: hulpverleners, opvoeders, beleidsmakers, opleidingscoördinatoren ... Dit kader biedt een duidelijke handleiding met focus op blended ondersteuning, digitale inclusie en het vormgeven van een blended aanbod in organisaties. Daarnaast bevat dit kader een overvloed aan praktische en toepasbare informatie rond kennis, vaardigheden en attitudes. Het kader richt zich op een toekomstgerichte aanpak, ontworpen om mee te groeien met technologische ontwikkelingen.

Een kader voor digitale competenties voor sociale professionals.pdf

Online Care 4 Specials

Online Care 4 Specials

In the PWO Online Care for Specials, we looked for in what ways we can use online help communication with persons with intellectual disabilities who received home support. Are you curious which applications and websites can be used for and by persons with disabilities and their caregivers? Then be sure to check out our brochure of tools for clients and caregivers. In it, tools are discussed around themes that are perceived as very important by experts by experience and are a combination of information tools, supportive online help applications, chat and email functions.

In addition, this was also an inclusive project, where we worked with experts by experience as co-researchers. Are you curious about how we approached this? Then be sure to check out our project workbook that we created and used ourselves during our project and our roadmap that we developed after our project to inspire others who want to get started with inclusive (participation) research!

Contact: nathalie.drooghmans@ucll.be

Brochure Tools OC4S

Brochure Tools Online 4 Care Specials

Training Booklet Co-Researchers OC4S

Script OC4S

Proeftuinen (Living Labs): cooperation between care and social economy


In the project Proeftuinen (Living Labs), persons with a distance to the labor market were employed in residential care centers. This was realized within the consortium of four tailor-made companies (De Biehal, De Sprong, Arbeidskansen vzw and De Ploeg) and 18 residential care centers. We investigated how this was experienced by the target group employees, the residential care centers and the employment agencies by means of questionnaires, interviews and a focus group. The results show mostly a positive picture! 92.9% of the target group employees enjoy the job and 87.7% of the residential care centers experience the employment of the target group employees as an added value! Researchers Nathalie Drooghmans and Flore Geukens also outline some challenges for future employment.

Curious about all the results? Read the full report. 

Report Proeftuinen (Living Labs)

Brand New Inclusion

Brand New Inclusion

Digitization dominates our lives and has found its way into schools, which are responding to digital challenges in different ways. Can digital resources and tools add value in the classroom? And how can we use them in a teachable way? Are there quality but affordable options? Do school collaborations in this area already exist?

Brand New Inclusion researched awareness around Open Access digital media and its use in secondary schools. Our project results are:

A survey on awareness of Open solutions and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in high schools.

A curriculum that links didactic principles to digital tools, with a special focus on students with special educational needs.

The MOOC Open Solutions 4 Lifelong Learning: video lessons and infographics on open content, open tools, open practices and the use of the STEAM KIT.

Check out our poster and STEAM KIT curriculum, or read more in the “Converted Education, Upgraded Knowledge” report and go through our short MOOCs on the coordinator's website.



Strengthening resilience of children and youth in vulnerable situations

Veerkracht Versterken

For two years, Reinhilde Pulinx & Joris Piot guided supra-local project networks in the development of a low-threshold leisure offer for vulnerable youth. This led to a final report full of interesting findings and important recommendations. Based on this guidance and the research, workable strategies, good practices and preconditions could be made visible, for building a resilient network and reaching vulnerable children and youth.


Final Report Strengthening Resilience of Children and Youth

Onderzoeks- en begeleidingsopdracht
Inhoudelijke en methodologische opvolging



Seniors can be a vulnerable group where digitization is not always natural and can be a challenge in their daily activities. This puts them at risk of digital exclusion. This project investigated whether strengthening their digital skills can contribute to a higher digital Sense of Belonging. To this end, a pathway was developed based on a survey of seniors' needs and interests, in collaboration with some retired ambassadors who can help their peers become more digitally proficient. Seniors are introduced to digital developments, increase their digital literacy and this contributes to their e-inclusion.

Interested or questions? Contact Nathalie Drooghmans.


Report Senior4Support

Experience Path Senior4Support

Every voice matters

Elke stem doet ertoe

For some children and youth, learning and living at school does not come naturally. What makes each child feel good and learn at school? In the podcast “Every voice matters” we let the children and young people themselves talk about this. What can you learn as a team by really listening to them? And how does this make you think about what you can do in your classroom and school? This podcast aims to inspire and motivate listeners to really listen to the voices of all students. This podcast (a collaboration with Buiten de krijtlijnen) was made with research funds from Arteveldehogeschool, the expertise center Inclusive Society of UCLL and Topunt vzw.Want to know more? On the project page 'Every voice matters' you can find inspiring materials for engaging in this collaboration with students. Listen to the podcast.

ProuD To Teach All

ProuD To Teach All

The goal of the research project “ProuD To Teach All” is to contribute to the development of schools and school systems that respond to the challenges of the 21st century by providing quality support to students from diverse backgrounds, interests and abilities. ProuD To Teach All worked with professional learning communities (PLGs) in 10 schools spread across Europe. Within the PLGs, teachers and other professionals worked together to find solutions to challenges related to diversity and inclusive pedagogy. The project enables teachers and other education professionals from across Europe to better respond to the uniqueness of each classroom and each student they meet. Thus, they gain a greater sense of professionalism, professional identity and “pride” in their role. Be inspired by the materials on our website ProuD To Teach All!

PWO Let’s dance

Let's Dance

This scientific research with practical finality aims to strengthen the subject knowledge of physical education (LO) teachers facilitating the learning effect in inclusive settings. Subject knowledge consists of two domains: general subject knowledge (technique, tactics, rules of play and etiquette) and specific subject knowledge (knowledge of curriculum structure and recognizing (and correcting) student errors). Research within LO shows that increasing specific subject knowledge significantly increases student learning gains. Indeed, these teachers are able to adapt their lessons to a diverse group of students. This research was a collaboration between UCLL and KU Leuven.

Off-task behavior

Off-task gedrag

Behavioral problems and their management is a hot topic and at the same time a challenge in our education system. A lot of teachers in both regular and special education report spending a lot of time correcting off-task behavior (being disobedient, aggressive or impulsive, e.g. talking among themselves, disrupting class, etc.). As a result, active learning time is lost, to the detriment of many students. Consider students with support needs who need more time to learn. We sometimes hear teachers say that it is a lost cause and that they no longer have any impact in the job of teacher. That's something we want to debunk. We advocate a positive preventive approach.

Flexio: flexible professionalization around flexible education and diversity

Flexibel professionaliseren

Schools today are more diverse than ever. School teams and teacher education programs are doing their best to tailor their approaches accordingly. Yet there are still students for whom the current approach does not really work.  How can we organize our education more flexibly in order to professionalize ourselves in this together? That is what teacher educators, schools, students and guidance services are looking for answers to together in the pilot project Flexio.

View the achievements and publications of this research on Flexio.

Go to the digital learning environment for diversity and inclusion.

Filling the gap

Filling The Gap

The project aims to equip education and training systems to manage the challenges of the recent shift to online and distance learning. We are also committed to supporting teachers in developing digital competencies and ensuring the inclusiveness of learning opportunities.

Specific objectives:

  • equip teachers and teacher educators with pedagogical and digital skills related to the use of open learning resources for integrated digital education and distance learning
  • expand the technical-methodological skills of teachers and teacher educators in the application of digital education, taking into account inclusion, with particular attention to underrepresented groups (students with mild intellectual disabilities, students with different orientations, ... )
  • Providing teachers and teacher educators with practical materials to support the delivery of quality distance education

Also visit our website Filling the Gap.

Play’In Together

Play'in Together

Respect, perseverance, self-confidence, ... all difficult concepts that young children with or without disabilities (6-12 years old) are confronted with. It is not easy for them to know these Paralympic and Olympic values, let alone apply them. In order to introduce these children to 'these values and norms' in a playful way, Playdagogy was devised. A specific methodology to use sports as a tool for learning through a clear learning objective a specific structure and a concluding discussion. The sports sessions are designed through the UDL principle so that the children's support needs can be addressed at all times. Trainers in different countries are trained to work with this. This will lower the threshold for sports participation and strengthen trainers within Europe. In addition, sport is optimally used as a lever for inclusion.

Visit the website of the Play'In Together project.

To Inclusive Education and BEYOND

Inclusive Society and BEYOND

The project enables special education schools and support workers to facilitate the transition to fully inclusive education systems. The project provides special education schools and supporters with access to targeted information on the potential role of support services in the transition to inclusive education, as well as training modules they have created on the UNCRPD, transition models and how their organizations can support the development of fully inclusive educational practices. Visit To Inclusive Education and Beyond for more information.




Diversity in higher education

Waar is Wally in de leraarskamer?

Higher education should reflect society, but today still relatively few students with a migration background find their way to higher education. This low proportion is problematic, as higher education is an important lever for emancipation and upward social mobility, among other things. Although actions are being taken in various domains, exploratory interviews with experts indicate that these actions are generally fragmented and that there is little insight into the effectiveness of the actions. Also, the actions are often designed top-down without a clear picture of the barriers and enabling factors experienced by students with a migration background in terms of entry and progression in higher education.

Diversity in higher education

Being Resilient Online

Weerbaar Online

Do you sometimes see online behaviors in clients that worry you? Do you sometimes not know how to interpret or deal with this behavior? This practical guide offers tools and tips on how to deal with online aggression from the perspective of emotional development. This practical guide was developed by UCLL and Mediawijs in an attempt to answer the question of how to pedagogically deal with online aggression from children, adolescents and/or adults. 

Practical Guide - Being Resilient Online

Final Report - Being Resilient Online

Freedom-restricting measures

Vrijheidsberovende maatregelen

“I really don't know what to do with this student anymore! It's a statement we sometimes hear echoed in the teacher's room. Schools face great challenges due to an increase in problem behavior among students. The Inclusive Society expertise center at UCLL University of Applied Sciences studied how often freedom-restricting measures are used in education (Hamers, Schoffelen, Thys & Vounckx, 2019). In addition, we shed light on the new draft decree around the measures (VO Decree on Education XXXIV, 2023). Will it provide the necessary guidance for school boards to shape a policy on dealing with behavior?  

Final Report - Freedom-restricting Measures

Diversity (Net)Works!

Diversiteit (Net)Werkt!

In this project, teacher educators, teachers and students explore together each other's own practices, experiences with and perspectives on diversity with the support of a coach. The track aims to strengthen (future) teachers and teacher educators in dealing with diversity in their teaching practice.  Are you, as a school team, looking for an opportunity to strengthen the broad basic care in your school and to put your shoulders under a quality learning environment in which the professional field and teacher education together train powerful teachers, strong in dealing with diversity and strong in broad basic care/increased care? Then this pilot project is tailor-made for you!

Visit the website of this project: www.diversiteitnetwerkt.be.



Scientific Final Report Project Diversity (Net)Works


Samen Ondersteunen Op school

In this project, research, education and the field will work intensively together on interprofessional collaboration as a success factor for inclusive education. The evolution towards inclusive education brings new challenges to schools. In the search for answers to this complex and multi-dimensional issue of inclusion, it becomes clear that the “more of the same” and “alone” approach we know today in Flemish educational practice no longer works. Building an inclusive school, therefore, requires interprofessional collaboration or from various professional disciplines: bringing together professional, scientific and experiential knowledge to arrive at answers.

Info IPS Success Factor Inclusive Education


De Living

De Living

De Living” is a project of the center of expertise Inclusive Society (UCLL) that aims to design an urban story house where stories can be shared. A place for everyone, where you feel at home, like in your own living room.

Katrien Mertens and Liesbeth Spanjers are teachers and researchers at UCLL. They strongly believe in the power of stories to create empathy and connection between people. In Canada they received training to work with Story Circles, through Narrative 4 they learned about the method of 'Story Exchange' and they like to have stories represented visually by using Photovoice

About De Living

UCLL De Living - Presentation